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JAVA!! The New Superfood?


An Artist’s Conception of Ziggs.

When I was in college, there was this guy I knew named Bill Ziggler.

We called him Ziggs.

Ziggs was an . . . interesting guy.

He was a tall guy, wore glasses, and had a really prominent nose and ears.

He was also a very smart guy.

He studied computer programming and became a computer engineer.

Also, he had a super deep voice.

But you could almost never tell, because he hardly ever talked.

The only way that we could ever get him to talk was to bring up coffee.

Someone would say, hey Ziggs, what is your favorite drink?

And in his super deep voice he would yell: JAVA!!

A few times we were in the cafeteria, and everyone turned around to look at us, because he said it so loudly.

Sometimes, we thought that it was the only word that he knew.

Anyway, Ziggs would be VERY happy to hear this news.

It’s that coffee isn’t just delicious.


It’s a superfood.

More and more evidence is coming out that coffee is not just a popular way to start the day, but it may have some significant health benefits as well.

Recent studies show that moderate coffee drinkers have lower risks of:

* Arrhythmias

* Strokes

* Parkinson’s disease

* Gallstones

* Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease

It’s also has been to shown that coffee might help fight off diabetes.

* Over 193,000 people were studied, and those who drank on average 6-7 cups of coffee were about 35% less likely to be diagnosed with diabetes.

* Those who drank 4-6 cups a day had a 28% less risk of type 2 diabetes. Gender, age, weight – none of that mattered; the risk was still lowered.

In the case of diabetes, at least, it turns out that decaffeinated coffee is just as protective as the caffeinated kind.

Not that it would help Ziggs.

He only like the SUPER-caffeinated kinds.

But the long term health positive health effects aren’t the only reasons to drink coffee.

It even seems to increase your ability to exercise and to concentrate on various tasks.

What is it about coffee besides the caffeine that can help lower the risk of all these different types of diseases?

Well, at least a part of it has to do with high levels of antioxidants that are found in coffee.

Antioxidants are substances found in foods, especially superfoods, that essentially mop up something called free radicals; nasty little buggers that can damage a whole array or cell components.

The body has ways of dealing with free radicals, but those ways can be overwhelmed.

That’s why taking additional antioxidants as supplements can be so powerful for improving your health.

That’s also where coffee comes in.

So, in honor of Ziggs, feel free to say, “I’ll have another cup of java, please!”

In any case, if you are looking for something to improve your health, but that sixth cup of coffee makes you too jittery, Allied Life® Spirulina & Chlorella could be the answer.

Spirulina and Chlorella are two of the most powerful superfoods on the planet.

They are filled with proteins, vitamins, and minerals that your body needs. These include iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorous, pro-vitamin A, vitamins C, B1, B2, B2, B5, B6, B12, E and K, biotin, inositol, and folic acid.

In fact, a massive amount of scientific research has unequivocally shown the AMAZING health benefits of Spirulina and Chlorella. These include:

So, if you want good health, maybe you should try Allied Life® Spirulina & Chlorella.

Thanks again!!
