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3 Easy Detox Tips

You love the way you look.

But lately your skin has appeared blotchy.

You feel energetic after your first cup of coffee in the morning.

But by mid-morning, you feel that energy slipping away.

You eat healthy in the morning.

But you grab some candy or a donut, followed by a sugar rush and crash by the afternoon

No matter how good we try to be, most of us have trouble sustaining healthy eating habits day in, and day out.

There are several tricks that you can use to maintain your focus and make sure that you eat well.

Tip #1: Mindful Eating

How many times have you sat down in front of the TV or the computer with a bag of chips, or a bowl of candies, only to see the empty bowl a few minutes later?

We need to eat when we’re hungry.

But sometimes we eat because we’re bored. Or just because the food is there.

There are simple ways to deal with this. And they all begin with thinking about what you want to eat.

So, if you want a snack, buy the small package, and NOT the MASSIVE Sam’s Club Super Saver.

It’s not great if you have a little candy, but it’s not the end of the world.

Maybe you take an extra walk to burn that off.

If you eat a full bag of candy, no amount of walking will burn that away.

So, think before you buy, not just before you eat.

Tip #2: Hydrate. Hydrate. And Then Hydrate Some More

I love my Java.

But, as good as it is, coffee can dehydrate you.

So can alcohol or salty snacks.

Chances are, you’re not getting enough water.

Water is great for a lot of reasons.

It’s non-calorie, unlike sodas that are FILLED with sugar and empty calories.

Not only do we function better when we’re hydrated.

But we eat less when we’ve had a lot of water to drink.

In fact, some studies have even shown that just drinking more water can increase our metabolisms.

That means not only burning more calories.

But also having more energy.

Now, it’s a small effect.

You’re not going to lose 20 pounds by drinking more water.

But grabbing water instead of sugary drinks can make a big difference.

Tip #3: Eat Chocolate

Whoever said you have to give up your indulgence for the sake of good health, didn’t know what we know now!

Skip the milk chocolate and white chocolate, and go right for the good stuff – rich, decadent, dark chocolate.

Cacao, which is what dark chocolate comes from, is loaded with antioxidants.

It has the power to increase your immunity (which is just what you need to fight off a cold or the flu), as well as almost immediately perking up your energy slump.

Studies actually show that eating a piece of dark chocolate every day can also help you sleep more soundly, and help eliminate mood swings.

Look for the chocolate with 90% (or more) of pure cocoa.

But you also need to get your baseline of vitamins and minerals every day.

And LiquiVive® Liquid Vitamins provides that.

LiquiVive® Liquid Vitamins contains over 170 total nutrients, in one easy to swallow form.

That means that you can take one fluid ounce of LiquiVive® Liquid Vitamins.

Instead of having to swallow a quarter of a bottle of multi-vitamin horse pills.

And, unlike most supplements which are synthetic, LiquiVive® Liquid Vitamins comes from an all-natural 100% vegetarian whole food plant source.

It tastes fantastic, and because of its liquid form, is much easier to take than pills.

So, make that 4 detox tips. 😉

Thanks again!!


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– Life Miracle