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3 Weird Hacks To Lose Weight . . . That Probably Won’t Work.

Totally Not Worth It.

You’ve probably heard of lots of tips and tricks to lose weight.

Some of the ones that I’ve heard of are just plain weird.

For example, I heard about a woman who would only eat when she was naked because she felt that it made her eat less.

I guess the idea was who wants to stuff your face, when you can see that you’re fat?

I also heard about a guy that would only eat with his left hand even though he was right-handed.

The idea was that it would slow him down, making him eat fewer calories, and therefore lose weight.

I also heard that sucking on a lemon can make you lose weight.

Okay, well not literally.

But some people have claimed that adding lemon juice to your diet daily will speed up your weight loss.


Well, lemon can reduce your glycemic index, basically how your food affects your blood sugar.

Keeping your blood sugar from spiking is important in weight loss.

Deviously brilliant, right?

Maybe you’ve tried one or two of these little life hacks of your own in an attempt to shed some pounds.

Maybe these will work for you.

But maybe not.

I am old school.

I believe in the basics.

Diet and exercise.

Get all the nutrients that you need.

Stay active.

That’s the way to both shed pounds, and stay healthy.

But how do you know that you’re getting all the nutrients that you need?

Aren’t all of these studied incredibly complicated?

They are.

That’s why I try to keep things simple.

Getting the baseline of vitamins and minerals every day.

And LiquiVive® Liquid Vitamins provide that.

LiquiVive® Liquid Vitamins contains over 170 total nutrients, in one easy to swallow form.

That means that you can take one fluid ounce of LiquiVive® Liquid Vitamins.

Instead of having to swallow a quarter of a bottle of multi-vitamin horse pills.

And, unlike most supplements which are synthetic, LiquiVive® Liquid Vitamins comes from an all-natural 100% vegetarian whole food plant source.

It tastes fantastic, and because of its liquid form, is much easier to take than pills.

And that is a lot better than sucking on lemons. 😉

Thanks again!!


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– Life Miracle